【普利策奖】2020年专题摄影奖: 印控克什米尔

养猫人2024-06-05 18:01:33  133

2020年的普利策专题摄影奖授予了美联社的 Channi Anand、Mukhtar Khan、Dar Yasin三人,他们在克什米尔通讯中断期间拍摄的引人注目的照片描绘了印度剥夺该地区半自治权后争议领土上人民的艰苦生活。


2019 年 3 月 4 日,印控克什米尔斯利那加以南的特拉尔村,克什米尔男子拆除了在枪战中被毁的房屋的一部分。Kashmiri men dismantle a portion of a house destroyed in a gunbattle in Tral village, south of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, March 4, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 12 月 9 日,克什米尔穆斯林信徒在印控克什米尔斯利那加的苏菲派圣人谢赫·赛义德·阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·吉拉尼神殿外祈祷。Kashmiri Muslim devotees offer prayer outside the shrine of Sufi saint Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Dec. 9, 2019. (Mukhtar Khan)

2019 年 5 月 31 日,在印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加举行的抗议活动中,一名蒙面克什米尔抗议者跳上印度警察装甲车的引擎盖,并向其投掷石块。A masked Kashmiri protester jumps on the bonnet of an armored vehicle of Indian police as he throws stones at it during a protest in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, May 31, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 10 月 4 日,印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加郊区,蒙面克什米尔人在周五祈祷后的抗议活动中高喊口号。Masked Kashmiris shout slogans during a protest after Friday prayers on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, Oct. 4, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 5 月 14 日,在印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加,印度准军事士兵在与抗议一名 3 岁女孩涉嫌强奸的学生发生冲突时,破坏了一所大学外停放的摩托车。Indian paramilitary soldiers break motorbikes parked outside a college as they clash with students protesting against the alleged rape of a 3-year-old girl in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Tuesday, May 14, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 8 月 9 日,在印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加,妇女们高喊口号,印度警察向空中发射催泪瓦斯和实弹。Women shout slogans as Indian policemen fire teargas and live ammunition in the air to stop a protest march in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, Aug. 9, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 5 月 7 日,克什米尔穆斯林儿童在印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加斋戒月的第一天参加《古兰经》的背诵课程。Kashmiri Muslim children attend recitation classes of the holy Quran on the first day of fasting month of Ramadan in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Tuesday, May 7, 2019. (Mukhtar Khan)

2019 年 8 月 13 日,印度查谟以西约 35 公里(22 英里)处的阿赫诺尔加克哈尔,一名印度边境安全部队 (BSF) 士兵在印巴边境附近守夜。An Indian Border Security Force (BSF) soldier keeps vigil near the India Pakistan border at Garkhal in Akhnoor, about 35 kilometers (22 miles) west of Jammu, India, Tuesday, Aug.13, 2019. (Channi Anand)

2019 年 5 月 24 日,印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加以南的特拉尔发生枪战后,一名克什米尔男孩试图从受损房屋的墙上取出一颗子弹。A Kashmiri boy tries to take out a bullet out from the wall of a damaged house after a gunbattle in Tral, south of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, May 24, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 8 月 8 日,印控克什米尔斯利那加宵禁期间,一名印度准军事士兵命令一名克什米尔人打开夹克,然后对他进行搜身。美丽的喜马拉雅山谷挤满了士兵和铁丝网路障。An Indian paramilitary soldier orders a Kashmiri to open his jacket before frisking him during curfew in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Aug. 8, 2019. The beautiful Himalayan valley is flooded with soldiers and roadblocks of razor wire. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 2 月 17 日,印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加举行罢工,一名克什米尔老人坐在一个封闭的市场外。An elderly Kashmiri man sits outside a closed market during a strike in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 12 月 13 日,印度控制的克什米尔达尔湖斯利那加内陆,一名克什米尔男子在积雪覆盖的人行桥上行走。A Kashmiri man walks on a snow covered footbridge as it snows in the interiors of Dal Lake Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, Dec. 13, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 9 月 17 日,印度控制的克什米尔地区斯利那加,六岁的克什米尔女孩穆尼法·纳齐尔站在自家门外,她的右眼据称被印度准军事部队士兵于 8 月 12 日射出的弹珠击中。Six-year-old Muneefa Nazir, a Kashmiri girl whose right eye was hit by a marble ball shot allegedly by Indian Paramilitary soldiers on Aug. 12, stands outside her home in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Sept. 17, 2019. (Mukhtar Khan)

2019 年 6 月 27 日,印控克什米尔斯利那加当地一家医院,一名受伤妇女在公交车事故中受伤,被担架抬上接受治疗。A wounded woman is carried on a stretcher for treatment after she was injured in a bus accident, at a local hospital in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Thursday, June 27, 2019. A minibus carrying students to a picnic fell into a gorge along a Himalayan road in Indian-controlled Kashmir, killing more than 10 and injuring several others. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 3 月 22 日,在印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加北部哈金村,克什米尔村民在 11 岁男孩阿提夫·米尔的葬礼队伍中,在他的尸体旁哀悼。Kashmiri villagers grieve near the body of an 11-year-old boy, Aatif Mir, during his funeral procession in Hajin village, north of Srinagar Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, March 22, 2019. Indian security forces killed five militants and the 11-year-old hostage in three separate clashes in the Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir. (Dar Yasin)

2019年8月23日,在印控克什米尔斯利那加郊区举行周五祈祷后,克什米尔男子高喊自由口号,抗议新德里收紧对争议地区的控制。Kashmiri men shout freedom slogans during a protest against New Delhi's tightened grip on the disputed region, after Friday prayers on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, Aug. 23, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 11 月 10 日,印度斯利那加,克什米尔穆斯林祈祷时,印度警察在守卫。Indian policemen guard as Kashmiri Muslims pray while the head priest, unseen, displays a relic of Islam's Prophet Muhammad at the Hazratbal shrine, on the occasion of the Prophet's birth anniversary in Srinagar, India, Sunday, Nov. 10, 2019. Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims thronged the Hazratbal shrine, which houses a relic believed to be a hair from the beard of Prophet Muhammad. (Mukhtar Khan)

2019 年 8 月 6 日,印控克什米尔斯利那加宵禁期间,透过铁丝网封锁,可以看到一条废弃的街道。A deserted street is seen through barbwire set up as blockade during curfew in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Aug. 6, 2019. (Dar Yasin)

2019 年 8 月 16 日,印度斯利那加,克什米尔穆斯林在当地清真寺外的街道上进行宵禁,如限制措施,一名印度准军事士兵站岗。An Indian paramilitary soldier stands guard as Kashmiri Muslims offer Friday prayers on a street outside a local mosque during curfew like restrictions in Srinagar, India, Friday, Aug. 16, 2019. (Mukhtar Khan)

2019 年 2 月 18 日,印度控制的克什米尔斯利那加以南普尔瓦马发生枪战,一栋住宅楼冒出火焰和浓烟,疑似武装分子在此避难。Flames and smoke billow from a residential building where militants are suspected to have taken refuge during a gun battle in Pulwama, south of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Feb. 18, 2019. (Dar Yasin)






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