AJMEIS|“中埃双边关系的计量经济分析: 贸易、投资与经济合作研究”(英文)

涵魁看趣事2024-07-14 18:15:49  121

Econometric Analysis of China-Egypt Bilateral Relations: Trade, Investment, and Economic Cooperation

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive econometric analysis of the bilateral relations between China and Egypt, focusing on trade dynamics, investment flows, and broader economic cooperation. Utilising a range of statistical methods and data from 2000 to 2023, the study examines how the evolving geopolitical landscape has influenced economic ties between the two nations. Special attention is given to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its impact on bilateral trade and investment. The analysis reveals a significant increase in bilateral trade volume, with China emerging as a key investor in various sectors of the Egyptian economy. Furthermore, the paper explores the socio-economic effects of these relations on local industries, employment, and regional development in Egypt. The study also addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by this partnership, providing policy recommendations for enhancing mutual economic benefits and sustainable development.

Keywords: China-Eygpt relations, bilateral relations, foreign investment, belt and road initiative, econometric analysis


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