
韩坤坤2024-06-05 17:48:47  46


近日,全球知名法律评级机构钱伯斯出版了《钱伯斯国际欺诈及资产追索全球实务指南》(2024年)(“《指南》”)。汉坤受邀撰写了《指南》“中国篇:法律与实务”部分,这是汉坤第3年受邀撰写。参与撰写的作者包括廖荣华、李艳慧、John D. Fitzpatrick和赵宇先



Han Kun authors the China chapter of Chambers International Fraud and Asset Tracing Global Practice Guide (2024)

The world's leading legal directory Chambers and Partners recently published its International Fraud and Asset Tracing Global Practice Guide (2024) (the “Guide”). Han Kun contributed the Law and Practice section of the Guide’s China chapter. This marks the third year that Han Kun has been invited to contribute. The contributors include Ronghua (Andy) Liao, Yanhui (Candice) Li, John D. Fitzpatrick, and Yuxian Zhao.

The Guide aims to provide legal know-how in major jurisdictions around the world for handling international fraud disputes and related cross-border asset-tracing work. The Law and Practice section of the Guide’s China chapter introduces subjects such as civil and criminal remedies available to victims of fraud, especially imposing liability for fraud onto corporate entities, ultimate beneficial owners, shareholders, and directors; asset preservation; evidence collection and preservation; foreign-related procedures; and enforcement proceedings.

Han Kun’s commercial dispute resolution practice has a team dedicated to resolving fraud disputes and cross-border asset tracing. The team comprises experienced lawyers who have made exceptional achievements in their respective fields and is considered a leading dispute resolution team in the industry, having long counseled the firm’s domestic and foreign clients on a broad range of complex commercial disputes. The team has successfully recovered large sums of defrauded funds for numerous foreign clients.

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