
木基研究2024-09-29 10:07:29  77


For the global private equity investment industry,the current challenges and opportunities coexist. The reshuffle of investment institutions has intensified. At the same time, new opportunities in the investment field are also emerging: Information technology is making great progress, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. ChatGPT has become popular all over the world, making the entrepreneurial market in the AIGC field extremely popular. In addition, under the wave of digital economy, digital technology continues to empower traditional industries, and the digitalization of traditional industries is in the ascendant. Digital infrastructure and digital technology support have also received focus. In addition, clean technology, energy storage, new energy vehicles and other fields are also favored by global investors.


It’s obvious that the global private equity market has broad development prospects.


Under such circumstances, the Global FOF Association officially released the "2023 World's Best Investment Institutions List" . This list is recommended, evaluated, and scored by investment associations from Europe, America, the Middle East, and other regions invited by the Global FOF Association.

Awards include:

1、TOP50 Best Performing Funds in the world

2、TOP50 Most Promising Funds in the world

3、TOP30 Best VC/PE Investors in the world


The Global FOF Association, jointly launched by 19 leading associations of equity investment and FOF industry from the United States, the European Union, China, etc., and registered on 12 December 2019 in Zurich, Switzerland, is committed to building a platform for agile and efficient information exchange, as well as providing opportunity of cooperation for the FOF all around the world. By conducting industrial research, providing industrial insights, and organizing regular events, the Global FOF Association devotes itself to the promotion of the communication, cooperation and development of the global FOF industry.


In this ranking, more than 30% of the investment institutions and investors from China also reflect the influence of Chinese private equity marketin the global investment industry.


In the future, with the maturity and development of China's private equity industry, we believe that China's investment power will rise globally, and there will be more and more Chinese faces on the global investment list, attracting more attention from the world.


The List of the World's Best Investment Institutions in 2023 is as follows:

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