CNN 知天下- 美国餐厅正在尝试激增定价

晓丝英语2024-03-22 16:50:59  71

COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, Sunshine.


Happy Friday Eve, just today and tomorrow, and then we're going to be rocking into the weekend.


I'm Coy Wire.


This is CNN 10, where I tell you the what, letting you decide what to think.


Let s start today with the latest crisis we're seeing in Haiti.


Since we last discussed this story last week, the Caribbean nation is still seeing chaos as coordinated gangs have continued to attack law enforcement and state institutions, especially in the capital Port-au-Prince.


These gangs had been demanding the resignation of the country's Prime Minister Ariel Henry, and now their demands are being met.


Earlier this week, Henry said he and his government will relinquish their power after a new prime minister and cabinet have been selected.


Prime Minister Henry has not been in Haiti for weeks, as he left for Kenya to sign an agreement for Kenyan forces to help restore order in Haiti.


But Kenyan officials say that a Haitian government needs to be put into place before they will allow their soldiers to be deployed there.


The U.S. is trying to help Haiti by funding a total of $300 million to the Kenyan-led security missions, as well as assisting the Haitian people by contributing an additional $33 million for humanitarian assistance.

美国正在努力帮助海地,会为肯尼亚领导的安全特派团提供总计 3 亿美元的资金,并通过额外提供 3300 万美元的人道主义援助资金来帮助海地人民。

Speaking of the Haitian people, the gang violence has spiraled out of control.


CNN is reporting that tens of thousands have been forced to leave their homes, and more than 300,000 are displaced.


The United Nations estimates about 80% of Haiti's capital is now being controlled by gangs.

据联合国估计,目前海地首都约有 80% 的片区被帮派控制。

Our Patrick Oppmann has more.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: For more than a week, Haiti's marauding gangs prevented Prime Minister Ariel Henry from returning to the country he was supposed to lead, until finally Henry reached a breaking point and agreed on Monday night to resign.


ARIEL HENRY, HAITIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): My government will leave immediately after the inauguration of the council.


We will be a caretaker government until they name a prime minister and a new cabinet.


Haiti needs peace.


Haiti needs stability.


OPPMANN (voice-over): Henry had traveled from Haiti to Kenya to sign an agreement with the government there to provide troops to fight the out-of- control gangs terrorizing his beleaguered nation.

奥普曼(画外音): 亨利从海地前往了肯尼亚,与肯尼亚政府签署了一项协议,该协议表示由肯尼亚政府提供武装部队,打击在其国家海地制造恐怖事件的失控帮派。

Once he left, the gangs united to further batter the Haitian government in a series of coordinated attacks.


The latest explosion of violence leading to a massive jailbreak that freed thousands of prisoners closed the country's main airport indefinitely and forced the United States and other embassies to evacuate diplomats via helicopter.


The news of Henry's impending resignation is not placating the leaders of gangs, though, who have threatened an all-out civil war.


JIMMY "BARBEQUE" CHERIZIER, HAITI GANG LEADER: We in Vivasan are demanding that the Haitian people must choose the person who will lead the country.


OPPMANN (voice-over): But it is the Haitian people who are suffering the most.

奥普曼(画外音): 但受苦最深的还是海地人民。

More than 300,000 have been displaced by the violence, the U.N. says, gangs block access to food, water, and hospitals.


On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with regional leaders in Jamaica and announced an increase in U.S. funding to the security mission to be led by Kenyan troops.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I'm announcing today that the United States Department of Defense is doubling its approved support for the mission from $100 million to $200 million.

安东尼·布林肯(美国国务卿):今天我宣布,美国国防部批准对特派团的资金支持增加一倍,将由 1 亿美元增加到 2 亿美元。

And that brings the total U.S. support to $300 million for this effort.


OPPMANN (voice-over): Following the announcement that Henry will resign, Kenyan officials now saying a government needs to be in place in Haiti before their troops can deploy, creating more doubt of when exactly they will have boots on the ground to begin fighting the heavily armed local gang.


For too many Haitians living in a country where there is no longer a functioning government, no escape from the violence.


It is already too late.


WIRE: Ten second trivia.


There's been an uproar online over the cost of a Big Mac meal at a McDonald's in Darien, Connecticut.


What's the price?


$10, $12, $18 or $20?


If you said $18, that is correct.


It's becoming an increasing trend on social media to see users sharing a look at their fast-food meals and questioning the cost as prices skyrocket in the U.S. Now, you may be familiar with surge pricing from apps like Uber that charge you a different price for the same service, depending on the time of day and how many people want it at the same time.


Airlines, hotels, event and sports ticket vendors, they have been using this strategy for a long time, allowing them to bump prices up or down, depending on demand.


Well, now, restaurants are experimenting with surge pricing too.


The "Wall Street Journal" reports that this month, San Diego- based Cali BBQ, for instance, would charge you around $18 for a pulled pork sandwich delivered on a Saturday night, but it would only cost you about $12 on a weekday afternoon.

据《华尔街日报》报道,本月,以圣地亚哥的Cali BBQ为例,周六晚上送的一份猪肉三明治要价18美元左右,而工作日下午只需12美元左右。

Last month, Wendy's announced it too would test surge pricing, but after customer backlash, the fast-food chain said it would instead offer discounts in the slower hours.


The restaurant industry is still bouncing back after the pandemic.


Restaurants are looking into surge pricing as a way to boost profits and offset growing labor and food costs amid the supply shortages.


So what say you?


If you own a restaurant, would you try surge pricing?


If so, how would you justify and introduce it to your customers?


If not, and you had to boost revenue, how else would you do it?


All right, more and more employees are heading back to work in person post- pandemic, and according to some studies, they're bringing back some bad habits with them.


So much so that some believe a proper workplace etiquette refresher might be needed.


We got a chance to speak with an etiquette expert who gives some workplace tips for how to act appropriately at work, or school for that matter, along with some good old-fashioned people skills when working alongside others.


They might be just as important as the actual work itself.


CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: The return to the office was tough for many people.


It meant returning to long commutes, less flexibility, and an unwelcome surprise.


Some people have forgotten how to behave.


A resume builder survey from July found that nearly two-thirds of companies are planning to offer workplace etiquette classes in 2024.


The issues are wide-ranging, from how to behave in front of clients to what conversations are appropriate for the office.


And etiquette consultants like Anne Chertoff say demand is booming.


ANNE CHERTOFF, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, BEAUMONT ETIQUETTE: So in the past two years, we've seen 100% increase in companies reaching out to us and ordering trainings in a variety of topic areas.


DUFFY: We spoke with Chertoff about some of the most common workplace behavior faux pas and how managers should handle them.


And with the help of some willing co-workers, she gave us some hands-on pointers.


(On camera): All right, so Anne, talk to us about proper workplace attire.

(镜头中): 好了,安妮,跟我们谈谈工作场所的正确着装吧。

We just saw workplace sweatsuit.


What do you think of that?


CHERTOFF: So the way we do dress attire today is dress for your day.


And if you're at home, you can definitely wear athleisure.


You can wear sweatpants because you're not interacting with other people in a visual way.


But if you're going into the office, you need to step it up a little bit.


DUFFY (voice-over): Now, some of these issues have been around for a long time.




Do you see this?


DUFFY: Habits from the work-from-home era are coming back with people as they return to the office.


(On camera): Leaving the dirty dish on the counter, not the right move.

(镜头中): 不要把脏盘子留在台子上,这种做法是错的。

CHERTOFF: No, because you're not being respectful or considerate to the other people that you work with.


DUFFY: Taking old-fashioned phone calls around co-workers can also lead to all sorts of problems.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, he's sitting right behind me.




DUFFY: It's not just eavesdroppers who cause friction.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, where are we going?


DUFFY (on camera): So if we were trying to get work done here, we were trying to have a meeting, this would probably be a little distracting.


CHERTOFF: So sometimes people don't realize that the volume of their voice is as loud as it is.


And I've been a victim of that, so I completely get that.


They might not realize that they're talking so loud.


They might not realize that you've overheard their entire medical history on the phone.


DUFFY: Chertoff told me she works with all types of companies on workplace etiquette.


And while all levels of workers participate, dealing with one group of employees has proven especially tricky.


CHERTOFF: Companies are hiring us to come in to teach new hires, Gen Z, right out of college, first job, right out of grad school, but also to kind of reinforce those skills to colleagues who were out of the office in remote settings for so many years, and now they're coming back.

切尔托夫:公司聘请我们来对新员工、“ Z 世代”、大学刚毕业、刚找到第一份工作、刚从研究生院毕业的员工进行培训,同时也是为了加强那些多年不在办公室而是在远程办公的同事的技能,现在他们又重返岗位了。

DUFFY: Now, while this era of return to work has brought its challenges, there's good news too.


Chertoff says all of these things are like muscle memory.


So as we get used to being back together, we should get better at remembering how to behave.


WIRE: For today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, what do you get when you cross a ski with a rodeo?


A whole lot of awesome.


And yeehaw!


This is called skijoring.


Folks strapping on some skis or a snowboard, hanging on to a rope pulled by a galloping horse.


During this annual competition in Colorado, these rodeo skiers hit speeds over 40 miles per hour with jumps as high as 8 feet.

在科罗拉多州一年一度的比赛中,这些竞技滑雪者的时速超过 40 英里,跳跃高度达 8 英尺。

This event has been a tradition in this Colorado town since 1949. The word skijoring, did you know, gets its roots from Norway, meaning ski driving.

自 1949 年以来,这项活动一直是这个科罗拉多小镇的传统。你知道吗,“skijoring”这个词起源于挪威,意思是滑雪驾驶。

Giddy up, had fun learning with y'all today, and we're going to do it again tomorrow.


But first, we're going to show some love.


Shout out to the Dragons bringing the heat from Brunswick Junior High School in Brunswick, Maine.


We see you.


Rise up.


See you tomorrow.


I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.

我是科伊·怀尔,这里是CNN 10节目。 New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 crisis noun UK /?kra?.s?s/ a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering 危机,极其困难的时期

The country's leadership is in crisis.该国的领导层陷入了危机。

an economic/financial crisis 经济/金融危机

crisis talks 解决危机的会谈

A mediator has been called in to resolve the crisis.已请了一名调解人前来解决危机。

chaos noun [ U ] UK /?ke?.?s/ a state of total confusion with no order 混乱;无秩序状态

Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.冰雪造成道路交通秩序混乱。

Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of total/utter chaos.自从我们的秘书离开后,办公室就陷入了极度混乱中。

We muddled up the name labels and chaos ensued (= resulted).我们弄乱了姓名标签,结果一片混乱。

coordinate verb (UK also co-ordinate) UK /k?????.d?.ne?t/ to make many different things work effectively as a whole 协调;使相配合

We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign.我们需要有个人来协调整个活动。

A number of charities are coordinating their efforts to distribute food to the region.几家慈善机构通力协作为该地区分发食品。

enforcement noun [ U ] UK /?n?f??s.m?nt/ the process of making people obey a law or rule, or making a particular situation happen or be accepted 执法

Voters support the enforcement of immigration laws.选民支持移民法的执行。

resignation noun UK /?rez.?ɡ?ne?.??n/ the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job 辞职;辞去(职务);放弃(工作)

There have been calls for his resignation.一直有呼声要求他辞职。

I handed in/gave in/sent in my resignation this morning.我今天上午提交了辞职信。

deploy verb [ T ] UK /d??pl??/ to use something or someone, especially in an effective way 有效运用;发挥…的作用

The company is reconsidering the way in which it deploys its resources/staff. 该公司在重新考虑其资源/人员的使用之道。

My job doesn't really allow me fully to deploy my skills/talents. 我在工作中并不能真正发挥技能/才能。 to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed 部署;调动

The decision has been made to deploy extra troops/more powerful weapons. 目前已经决定部署更多的士兵/更具杀伤力的武器。

humanitarian adjective, noun [ C ] UK /hju??m?n.??te?.ri.?n/ (a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering 人道主义的;人道主义者

The prisoner has been released for humanitarian reasons.出于人道主义原因那名囚犯被释放了。

The United Nations is sending humanitarian aid (= food and supplies to help people) to the areas worst affected by the conflict.联合国正在向受冲突影响最为严重的地区输送人道主义援助。

The well-known humanitarian, Joseph Rowntree, was concerned with the welfare of his employees.著名的人道主义者约瑟夫?荣特里非常关心其雇员的福利。

spiral verb [ I usually + adv/prep ] UK /?spa??.r?l/ to move in a spiral 呈螺旋式上升(或下降);盘旋上升(或下降)

With one wing damaged, the model airplane spiralled downwards.模型飞机的一个机翼坏了,盘旋着下坠。 If costs, prices, etc. spiral, they increase faster and faster. (费用、价格等)急剧增长,急速上升

Spiralling costs have squeezed profits.急剧上升的成本压缩了利润空间。 spiral downwards(of prices, etc.) to become less, at a faster and faster rate (价格等)急剧下降

displace verb [ T ] UK /d??sple?s/ to force something or someone out of its usual or original position 迫使…离开常居地(或原位)

The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.建造新水坝将迫使居住在这一地区的数千人迁往别处。

indefinitely adverb UK /?n?def.?.n? for a period of time with no fixed end 不确定地;不清楚地;无限期地

The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely.谈判被无限期地推迟了。

embassy noun [ C ] UK /?em.b?.si/ B1the group of people who represent their country in a foreign country 大使馆全体人员,使馆馆员

We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy.我们曾经和瑞典大使馆的一些工作人员关系非常友好。 B1the building that these people work in 大使馆

The Ambassador held a reception at the embassy. 大使在大使馆举行了招待会。

evacuate verb [ I or T ] UK /??v?k.ju.e?t/ to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (把人从危险的地方)撤离,撤出,疏散,转移

The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.在爆炸前不久,警察将这个村庄里的人全都疏散了。

A thousand people were evacuated from their homes following the floods.洪水爆发后,有1000人撤离了他们的家园。

When toxic fumes began to drift toward our homes, we were told to evacuate.当有毒烟雾开始朝我们住宅区方向飘移时,我们被通知撤离。

offset verb [ T ] UK /??f?set/ to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result 补偿;抵消;弥补

The extra cost of travelling to work is offset by the lower price of houses here.这里低廉的房价抵消了因上班路途远而产生的额外费用。

UK He keeps his petrol receipts because petrol is one of the expenses that he can offset against tax (= can show to the government as being a business cost, and so not pay tax).他保留着他的汽油费收据,因为汽油费是可以抵扣税款的一项开支。

faux pas noun [ C ] UK /?f?? ?pɑ?/ words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite 失言;失礼

I made some remark about his wife's family, and then realized I'd made a serious faux pas.我谈论了几句他妻子的娘家,接着就意识到这很失礼。

eavesdropper noun [ C ] UK /?i?vz.dr?p.?r/ US /?i?vz.drɑ?.p?/ Add to word lista person who listens to someone's private conversation without them knowing 偷听者,窃听者

Doris mouthed the words, looking towards the door for fear of eavesdroppers.多丽丝一边说着,一边看向门口,生怕有人偷听。

The country's cellular networks are vulnerable to eavesdroppers.该国的移动电话网络很容易被窃听者侵入。

eavesdropper noun [ C ] UK /?i?vz.dr?p.?r/ a person who listens to someone's private conversation without them knowing 偷听者,窃听者

Doris mouthed the words, looking towards the door for fear of eavesdroppers.多丽丝一边说着,一边看向门口,生怕有人偷听。

The country's cellular networks are vulnerable to eavesdroppers. 该国的移动电话网络很容易被窃听者侵入。

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