国防部批美在菲部署中导: “引狼入室”定将反噬自身

闽南网2024-05-31 08:50:49  128

Ministry of National Defense Denounces US Deployment of Mid-Range Missile System to the Philippines: Those who Invite Wolves into the House will Get Bitten



Question: The US military recently deployed the Typhon Mid-Range Capability missile system to the Philippines for joint exercises. Some analysts believe that this is an important part of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy and is obviously targeted at China. What’s your comment, please?


Wu Qian: The US side recently deployed a Mid-Range Capability (MRC) missile system to the Philippines under the excuse of military exercises. This is the first time the US has deployed a mid-range missile system overseas and to the Asia-Pacific since the end of the Cold War. It’s also the first time the US has deployed such kind of weapon since it withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) in 2019. What the US and the Philippines did has put the whole Asia-Pacific region under the threat of US weaponry. Such moves cause great risk of war and will seriously impact the security architecture and undermine peace and stability in the region. The Chinese side is highly vigilant against and firmly opposed to this.


The mid-range missile system is a strategic and offensive weapon reminiscent of the Cold War. The US attempts to turn back the wheel of history, provokes bloc confrontation, strengthens military alliance, and squeezes the security space of other countries. This will break strategic balance in the region and create new tension and antagonism. The Philippines chooses to tie itself onto the US chariot, which severely deviates from the guiding principles for ASEAN countries, severely violates the spirit of the ASEAN Charter, severely undercuts the principles of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, and undermines the ASEAN-led architecture of regional cooperation. Those who invite wolves into their house will get bitten and those who pull chestnuts out of fire for others can only get themselves burnt. We urge the US and the Philippines to respect the security concerns of regional countries and immediately stop these dangerous acts.


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