勇士13次领先至少12分被逆转联盟第一, 球迷: 科尔效应

火斯探球2024-03-25 11:28:05  86


Warriors dynasty finally over


No safe was safe with the Warriors before. I guess you can still say the same now - just not the other team’s lead, but their lead lmao


Ijuss wanna say dat it's over for us. We no more da old Warriors and it's time dat we face it.


Is it crazy to say that Steve Kerr losing it a lil bit lmao


Curry watching the playoffs from the couch


Do 5 point leads in 4th quarter it might say 30


We should be 49-20 and 3rd in the league standings rn

我们现在应该是 49 胜 20 负,在联赛中排名第三。

Fired Steve kerr


Kudos to Steve Kerr for keeping Steph under 30mins in a game they had to have.

Elite coaching.

史蒂夫-科尔在一场必须赢的比赛里将库里的上场时间控制在 30 分钟以内,这一点值得称赞,精英教练。

The refs already tried everything to keep them win over wolves tonight.


Kerr effect


Guys I found Steve Kerr’s clipboard


I remember when we were all talking about whether or not the 6th seed was feasible.... now it's whether or not staying in the playin's is feasible


March 1st we had the 24th hardest schedule while the Lakers has the 4th hardest. And we were 9th seed. We've since gone 5-7.

3 月 1 日,我们剩余赛程难度排在第 24 位,而湖人的赛程难度排在第4位,而我们当时是西部第9,之后我们的战绩是5胜7负。

Your 2023-2024 Golden State Warriors!

你的 2023-2024赛季的金州勇士队!

roster will be unrecognizable next season. Probably not even to compete, but rather cut cost. Most expensive team in the league and we're about to finish damn near last place in the conference.


Three names account for most of that: Thompson, Wiggins, Paul. Those 3 will likely be gone.


Kerr has definitely made mistakes but this is not a good roster. Draymond and Paul missed a month, Klay and Wiggins playing the worst ball of their careers for like 3 months, the young guys have been inconsistent and the rookies have looked like rookies at times. Kerr’s biggest shortfall this season has been being slow to adjust and bench his vets but I can forgive that, the reality is he knew this team couldn’t make a run without Wiggins and Klay being good and he didn’t have much of a choice but to hope they turned it around. The best coach of all time isn’t getting this team higher than maybe the 6th seed up to this point, it is a roster with obvious flaws that can be exploited no matter what we do.


Only 30 minutes for Steph in a must-win game in which Steph was actually playing well. Steve Kerr singlehandedly lost this game with that decision

在一场必须取胜的比赛中,斯蒂芬只打了 30 分钟,而实际上斯蒂芬打得不错。史蒂夫-科尔的这一决定让他输掉了比赛。

i swear every time they lose, everyone just immediately blames Kerr as if he’s the main reason we lost, instead of the players actually playing the game. How about we blame the players who smoke open layups, leave people open for 3’s and cant create or make shots (other than Steph).


Cant believe were paying the most in luxury tax for fighting for 10th place




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