路虎卫士110 MANSORY定制方案

迈莎锐说车啊2024-08-15 15:00:00  91

MANSORY Defender Black Edition: A complete vehicle conversion; limited edition of 10 units; all body aerodynamic components are made entirely of carbon fiber; special LED-headlights on the roof.

MANSORY迈莎锐 路虎卫士 定制版,外观空气动力学套件均采用碳纤维打造,车顶配备LED射灯。

Rims type FD.15 in size 10x24 with tires in the dimension 295/30 R24; interior in dark gray Alcantara; power increase to 650 hp and 870 Nm; acceleration 4.7s from 0 to 100 km/h and a top speed of 250 km/h.

轮毂采用24寸FD.15锻造轮毂,匹配295/30 R24的轮胎,内饰采用棕色真皮包覆,最大马力提升至650马力,峰值扭矩870牛米,0-100公里/小时加速时间仅为4.7秒,最高时速250公里/小时。
