全明星后哈登在场快船防守联盟最差! 球迷: 换威少首发

火斯探球2024-03-27 13:13:45  70

北京时间3月26日,快船主场116-133不敌步行者。自全明星后,快船在面对胜率5成以上球队时取得1胜9负。过去9场比赛中,除去两胜摆烂的开拓者外,快船战绩为1胜6负(仅胜公牛)。全明星后哈登场均16分5篮板9助攻,三项命中率42%/32%/91%。今天凌晨快船队记者Joey Linn在推特上发布了一则哈登糟糕防守的剪辑。并发文:在全明星之后,哈登在场时,快船的防守效率是每100个回合失122.6分,这在全联盟的防守效率榜上排在倒数第一。球队现在有很多问题,但这是最大的问题之一(并不是所有这些片段都是哈登的错,但很多努力/专注的问题都是快船无法承受的)。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

I was just discussing this in my Space. The POA defense for the Clippers is awful, and James Harden and Terrance Mann are both big reasons why. Harden the worst in the starting lineup defensively for sure. I believe statistically Terrance Mann isn't far behind Harden though.

我刚刚在我的空间里讨论过这个问题。快船队的 POA (POA指针对对方得分点或持球点的防守人)防守非常糟糕,詹姆斯-哈登和特伦斯-曼都是重要原因。 哈登肯定是首发阵容中防守最差的。我相信从数据上看,泰伦斯-曼也不会比哈登好多少。

Don’t blame it on The Beard.


Start Russ bench Harden


Same data picture, but different slice. Since the All-Star break only one starting guard (10+ games) has a worse DEFRTG than Harden. Tyus Jones of Washington. Mann is right behind Harden.

相同数据相同,但表述层面不同。自全明星赛以来,只有一名首发控卫(10 场以上)的防守效率比哈登差,华盛顿的泰厄斯-琼斯,曼恩紧随哈登之后。

Mann and harden have no defense


it's fair, but I think also fair to point out the overall team has just been bad there. They are 29th defensively post Grammy trip. Here are they top 6 worst DEFRTG post all-star. Some guys in here that are supposed to be known for giving the effort on that end.

这很公平,但我认为指出球队整体表现糟糕也很公平。格莱美之旅结束后,他们的防守排名第 29 位。全明星后防守最差的6名球员,这里有些人应该是以在防守端付出努力而闻名的。

Y isn’t Russ starting and getting more mins than Harden?? He’s more impactful and is better for the team


Another suggestion to me would be having Russ play with Kawhi & PG more on the court Wow, Harding is on the bench switch the rotation, because Harden dribbles the ball slow of the court in his pace, is very slow He never changes


This dudes defense didn’t get better or worse since his prime. How can anyone think this guy is better than dwade???


Can’t Put The Blame On One Player It’s The Whole Team


Age in general lowkey might be the clips biggest defensive issue. Every team knows that if they run the floor hard in transition they can get free pts


Not even giving anything offensively to make it worth while. He should be on the bench. Run a Russ pg kawhi last 10 games and see how this team will find an identity very quickly

他在进攻方面的贡献甚至都不值得一提。他应该坐在替补席上。在过去 10 场比赛中使用威少-乔治-小卡,看看这支球队会如何迅速找到自己的定位。

He spent his whole prime skipping out on playing defense so he could run 60 isolation a game


His best defense play was on offense against kawhi


he is not contributing offensively (scoring) and he is not contributing defensively... he deserves to come off the bench


can you tell Ty Lue about this? Your our only hope Joey

你能告诉泰卢这件事吗?你是我们唯一的希望, Joey

Harden is a bad defensive player, but the rest of the clips aren’t far behind. It’s a team wide problem. And if it stays status quo, they getting cooked in the first round.


Agree. Harden looks like he is being targeted by the opposing team. Reminds of a time big Zu was targeted by Luka a couple of years back.


I need the same comp for TMANN too because he is the one that is the most overrated on defense and he has as many lowlights as harden


They are a bad defensive team period and trading for Harden made it worse I said that at the time of the trade but I was laughed at Who’s laughing now I hope both he and George are gone next year


Can’t get away with bad guards when you don’t have good defensive bigs. I love zu but he’s not a good defender. Our backup bigs are the two worst defending bigs in the league



