
乘风破浪缅有声2024-09-06 12:41:40  87



Statement on the designation of the Terrorist Military Group (SAC) as the Enemy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the People关于确定恐怖军事集团(国家管理委员会)为缅甸联邦共和国和人民公敌的声明

5 September


The military group, operating under the name of the State Administration Council, has committed not only treason and betrayal against the state and the people, but also daily war crimes, such as targeting and killing civilians in cities, villages, and refugee camps using various types of weapons, and carrying out airstrikes and bombings across multiple areas. These grave crimes violate international laws of armed conflict and human rights laws, and they constitute serious war crimes that must be prosecuted in international courts and military tribunals, leading to appropriate punishments.以国家管理委员会名义运作的缅甸军事集团,不仅犯下了背叛国家和人民的罪行,每天还犯下了战争罪行,使用各种武器在城市、村庄,以及难民营,攻击和杀戮平民,对多个地区进行空袭和炮轰。这些严重罪行违反了国际武装冲突法和人权法,构成了严重的战争罪,必须在国际法院和军事法庭上起诉他们,让他们得到应有的惩罚。

Furthermore, the terrorist military group, operating under the name of the State Administration Council, has been forcibly recruiting young people aged 18 to 35 and older civilians aged 35 to 65 to be used intentionally as human shields in battles. The group has been engaging in actions that harm the political, economic, health, educational, and social interests of the people residing in the Union of Myanmar and damage the dignity of the nation. Their activities are aimed at the utter devastation of Myanmar, undermining national security and defense, which is why they are now designated as the enemy of the state and the people. 此外,以国家管理委员会名义运作的恐怖主义军事集团一直在强行征召18至35岁的年轻人,以及35至65岁的年龄偏大的平民,在战斗中故意将他们用做人盾。缅甸军事集团(国家管理委员会)一直在伤害居住在缅甸联邦的人民的政治、经济、健康、教育和社会利益,损害国家尊严。缅甸军事集团(国家管理委员)所干的事,目的是彻底摧毁缅甸,破坏国家安全和国防,因此现在他们被确定为国家和人民的敌人。

From today onwards, we declare that any involvement, support, or cooperation with the terrorist military group’s affiliated organizations, defense, and security mechanisms will be considered acts of treason against the state and people, supporting terrorist war crimes. We urge all citizens to oppose and resist the terrorist council’s operations by all available means.我们宣布,从今天起,任何参与、支持或配合恐怖军事集团附属组织、国防和安全系统的行为,都将被视为背叛国家和人民、支持恐怖主义战争罪行的行为。我们敦促所有国民,通过一切可用手段,反对和抵制恐怖国家管理委员会的行动。

We also call on Myanmar’s neighboring countries, ASEAN member states, and United Nations member states, who desire peace and stability in Myanmar, to take effective and strong actions against the terrorist military group operating under the name of the State Administration Council.我们还呼吁缅甸的邻国、东盟成员国和联合国成员国,只要希望缅甸和平与稳定,都应采取有效、强有力的行动,打击以国家管理委员会名义开展活动的缅甸恐怖军事集团。

National Unity Government




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