经济学人双语 欧洲经济, 有点“脆皮”

雅香外语2024-08-22 19:16:27  42

Europe’s economic growth is extremely fragile


Risk is concentrated in one country: Germany


When an economy contracts for two consecutive quarters, it is often considered to be in recession. European policymakers will be hoping that two consecutive quarters of growth are equally notable. Data released on August 14th showed that, in the second quarter of the year, the EU’s economy once again grew by 0.3% against the previous quarter. Although nothing to write home about by American standards, such growth is a relief after more than a year of stagnation.


The good news does not stop there. Employment is growing, albeit more slowly than before. Wage growth is outpacing inflation, too, leading to rising living standards. In the Netherlands, which has the continent’s most up-to-date labour-market data, centrally negotiated wages rose by 7% in July, twice the pace of inflation. Union-negotiated wages are similarly strong in Germany. Nevertheless, the European Central Bank (ecb) still felt confident enough to cut interest rates in June, and is expected to do so again in September.


Full speed ahead, then? Not quite. The continent faces a number of risks—any of which could make the picture much gloomier. The first is that demand does not look as healthy as growth figures might suggest, as is illustrated by the construction industry. Rents are rising in many of Europe’s most alluring cities: Athens, Berlin and Madrid are all seeing growth of about 10% a year. On top of this, interest rates are falling, which should boost property prices. Yet housebuilder confidence is now at the lowest it has been this year, for reasons that are not immediately clear.


Growth in incomes should also be boosting consumption. In reality, however, “we are yet to see any meaningful pickup in real domestic demand,” observes Clemente De Lucia of Deutsche Bank. Households are mostly putting the additional money from higher pay into their savings accounts, he adds. In time, a cooling labour market could further reduce the desire to spend. As Davide Oneglia oftsLombard, a consultancy, notes, hiring has weakened in services, which has been the main source of jobs in recent years.

收入增长也应当拉动消费。然而,“并没有看到国内实际需求有任何实质性的回升”德意志银行的克莱门特·德·卢西亚(Clemente De Lucia)如是说。他补充道,居民大多将涨薪带来的额外收入存入银行。随着时间的推移,劳动力市场的冷却可能会进一步降低消费欲望。咨询公司 ts Lombard的达维德·奥内利亚(Davide Oneglia)指出,服务业的招聘势头已经减弱,而近年来服务业一直是解决就业的大户。

Governments are unlikely to support demand with extra spending of their own. Germany’s has once again almost torn itself apart over the legal intricacies of its balanced-budget rules. Negotiations are ongoing, but the result is likely to be spending cuts. France and Italy, meanwhile, are both in an “excessive deficit procedure”, which the European Commissionreserves for the most blatant violators of its guidelines. As such, fiscal policy will be a drag on growth in the years to come.


The next worry concerns a single country: Germany. It has barely grown since 2019. More recently, its exports fell by 4.4% in June on a nominal basis, compared with a year earlier, and surveys indicate that worse is to come. Industrial companies that have failed to modernise now face a bigger challenge from China, as low-cost electric vehicles (evs) pour out of its factories. Germany’s long-term prospects are also concerning: other than Lithuania, no country in theoecdis set to lose more workers to retirement, relative to new entrants into the labour force. The country is big enough that its economic woes will also drag on Europe’s growth.


As it stands, Europe appears to be pulling off a soft landing, even if its economy never truly soared in the first place. Inflation has fallen to 2.5%, just above theecb’s target, and the continent has enjoyed two consecutive quarters of growth. But the euro zone’s policymakers would be wise not to take too much cheer from this. Plenty of dangers must first be navigated before the celebrations can begin.

